01)NEWS: February 2012ARCHIVE
‘Every Little Dub Step’ is the lead single from the “Muzik 4 The Boyz” that won’t let you down. Influences are key in any form of music, and the UNDERWORLD influenced ‘Every Little Dub Step’ has a great sax line that leans heavily on the music from the 1980s era from which both producers spent their youth. And they did an extended mix called DEFINITIVE MIX for this package.
HOT STATIONのデビュー・アルバム『Muzik 4 The Boyz』から、アンダーワールド的なサウンドに80’sな要素が絡んだこれぞHOT STATIONという楽曲がシングル・カット。クラブ用にアレンジし直したDEFINITIVE MIXを新たに制作。DJ 19(HOT STATION)、MURAT UNCUOGLU、LEE KAVANAGH & LOUIS GASTON(DcM-8)というPODと縁の深いアーティスト3組が19BOXに集結。