01)NEWS: July 2013ARCHIVE
Ambrozia are a Japanese chillout outfit containing members DJ 19, Edison and vocalist Julianne, whose goal is to focus the pop music market. Here they take on a cover of the Chris Rea classic ‘On The Beach’. Instead of using their usual vocalist Julianne, they have hired in the vocal talents of Lonnie Hirsch. we’ve decided to unleash the club versions of their cover track in a three part remix package from PARK LIMITED MUZIK. The first two parts of the remix series has already been released with reworkings from Claes Rosen and Grandmoms Hands. Finally completing the trilogy, here we close the chapter with two fantastic remixes courtesy of Feo.
AOR(アダルト・オリエンテッド・ロック)ならぬAOL(アダルト・オリエンテッド・ラウンジ)を標榜するAMBROZIA(アンブロージア)がPARK MUZIK LIMITED初登場。クリス・レアの代表曲をカヴァーした「On The Beach」は、これまで19BOX(JUKEBOX) RECORDINGSにて、CLAES ROSEN、GRANDMOMS HANDSによるリミックスがリリースされ、PART 3となる今作がPARK LIMITED MUZIKから。HOT STATION「Paint It Black」のリミックスにて衝撃のデビューを飾った台湾の新星FEOが再登場。